Friday, May 11, 2012

"...honorable men don't chuckle at cruelty", says Charles M. Blow, “Mean Boys, the NYT, 12/05/12.

"...honorable men don't chuckle at cruelty", says Charles M. Blow, “Mean Boys, the NYT, 12/05/12, regarding Romney's high school years cruelty. Those of us who have experienced verbal and physical violence, whenever we read about characters like the presidential candidate, those horrible personal memories come back. As in a movie, we relive each of them. Read Reinaldo Arenas biography, and the terror comes back. And If you think it stops at high schools or it only happens in Cuba, you are either an "iluso" or in denial or most probably..... 

I do not expect any of the characters who bullied me and some of my friends in Guayama (it was so painful that sixty years later we still talk about it) to reflect upon their actions and behaviors. Yet, it would be a great step for some of those multicultural multilingual colleagues who also bullied me in the very progressive institution where I taught for so many years to reflect upon their not so impartial comments about Puerto Ricans and homosexuals. But, like Romney they will just play around the issue.

If I share this is not only to ventilate but to expose the hypocrisy of some of those multiculturalists. They are probably horrified at Romney’s actions; and as talking heads, they write about democracy, inclusion, pluralism..

Sus prácticas no reflejan sus palabras. Falsos profetas abundan en la academia,  en la educación bilingüe....

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