Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blogging theories: On Reading, and Writing, Rewriting the Blog

“Ningún texto es absoluto”, (Juru Tungo)

“If we understand at all, we understand differently” (Hans-Georg Gadamer)

Prior to the invention of the printing press and standardization of written languages, the act of reading was a collective experience. Once the press is invented, languages are standardized and masses can afford to buy books, reading became a solitary experience. This very solitary act is being transformed again: Blogs and blogging have made reading a collective experience. As readers interact with the text and maintain contact with other readers and the author, through messages and emails the interpretation of what is written continuously changes and, often, the text also changes.

Frente a las lecturas, el lector arma de multiples maneras el significado que desee; que pueda, No resultan en compresiones rectas que forman cuadrados o rectangulos. Resultan de las capacidades que maneja en su debido momento, en cada etapa de su continua vida, las ideas que frente al tento encaja; forma un todo, un nuevo todo, otro todo, un significado; otro nuevo significado.

For a teacher who interacts with her/his students as a blogger interacts with his/her readers, the opportunity to know how these readers think and respond to the texts are limitless. Blogsing’s constant and dynamic quialities are a path into the readers abilties and conceptions at a given moment. This essay is not the place to reveal so many of the responses I have gotten from readers; but if they were my students, the opportunities to interact and see their intelectual and attitudinal abilities would have been a didactic mine.

En todas sus interacciones con el texto, el lector busca darle significado a lo que enfrenta, organizar lo aprendido dentro de sus esquemas afectivos e intelectuales y poder expresarlo de acuerdo a esta organización y formulación de su significado dentro de un entorno cultural en particular.

Jorge a los 3 años, 4 meses denomina a los textos acompañados de imágenes como cincos que dicen cuatros.
Maestra: ¿Qué es?
Jorge (ante el dibujo: Payaso
Maestra (ante un garabato-texto): ¿Qué le pusiste acá al payaso?
Jorge: Cinco
Maestra: ¿Qué dicen estos cincos?
Jorge: Cuatro

Jorge, 4 años con 9 meses, prepara carteles para una juguetería. Para los soldados pone una sola grafía en la tarjeta.
Maestra (señala la grafia): ¿Qué pusiste?
Jorge: Soldados
Maestra: ¿ Es un soldado o una bolita?
Jorge: Es un soldado
Maestra: ¿Y qué dice?
Jorge: Una letra" (Ferreiro, Emilia)

The reader tries to construct a coherent and complete picture, rather than to search for some objective truth. The blogger/writer searches for a truth. At some point they come together.... maybe not.

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