Thursday, July 7, 2016


Balanced Literacy and other pedagogical fads that guide educational discourses and decision making reflect the fact that large educational organizations do not trust the teachers capacities to evaluate how children learn, and how to plan and select methods and materials to respond to those learning differences. And furthermore, without saying it, they do not trust the abilities to learn of those children who do not meet their class values.

The moment the bureaucrats try to change how children speak before finding out what the kids know about symbols and their functions, they demonstrate that they are confusing speech differences with the ability to comprehend the written systems. Most Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico who use the "r velar" know what "carro, perro" mean when reading these words. Most children in Argentina who say "posho", when seeing the written version know that it is about the bird they are reading about. Yet, the controlling fools and self indulgent trendy pedagogues implementing balanced literacy would spend and waste hours, days, weeks trying to change the kids speech patterns because they believe mastery of phonological standards is a prerequisite to learn how to read and write,

Too many years, seeing how Latino "petite bourgeoise" teachers treated poor Puerto Rican children in NYC serve as evidence to conclude that class and, quite often, xenophobia lead educators to implement specific educational practices, planned by poorly educated educational leaders. These educators know what balanced literacy says, but do not know its criticims, alternatives, and much less know about the history of the written word, its literatures and how children learn in spite of the obstructions imposed by "los burocratas que controlan las polîticas educativas."

(and if you do not know Spanish and was able to understand the last phrase in the previous paragraph, then you serve as evidence that phonology has "una correlación con el sistema que conforma la lecto-escritura" but it does not have "una relación causal". and if you are concerned about the place of the final period in a sentence, then you need help)

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