Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ganas are stronger than feelings, and the party of the Tea Party

“Porque me dio la gana, ¿y qué?” was the answer given by my inner child when asked by the “independendista-hispanista-neo-criollo" as to why I was writing in “mestizo” English or hybrid Spanish.

Languages have the power to form Piagetian thinking schemata or Kantian perceptual concepts, and “ganas” is one of those “claves” that can be used to argued this point as in English a similar word cannot replace the meaning of “ganas”.
Felipe Fernandez-Armesto (The Americas: A hemispheric history) suggests that a major difference between Latin America and enlightened Europe is the individualistic mentality shaped by the “porque me da la gana” attitude of the “new world”.

In Yahoo. com section on questions, Leon (his nick) asks:
“How do I say "¡Porque me da la gana!" in English?”

DR. R.Louxembourg answers,
You could say either Because I want to OR Because I feel like it However it's not a   
very polite expression Instead a person can say Because I would like to, which is more polite., but it dilutes the statement.
Hope this helps.”

B3tZ1 replies,
Because I want to
Because I feel like it
Other ways ways you may hear it in spoken (get not grammatically correct English)
Cuz I wanna
Cuz i feel like it”

And the porque le da la gana to answer in ghetto Spanglish, Boricua Nena, says,
“Porque: because
Me: I
Da: have
La Gana: the will or the desire.”

Language will bring all us to spaces we rather not be, sometimes, as the feminista cambia-patos wanted to lead unrepentant gay men not to talk about their “patería”, or the “barroquian” professor so concerned with standards that she forgot to see life in the text or the walls beyond symbols and allegories (How many slaves died constructing the baroque palaces in Latin America is never dealt with in her/his texts), never seeing the “porque les dio la gana a los colonizadores (algunos conquiatdores y otros conquistados)" to destroy what was there, just like the Teapartiers nowadays in the USA.
It is not that “ganas” are not felt in English; perhaps it is because the history of the language and its peoples led them to use code words in order to hide their true intentions.

“Ojo al pillo” says the character who is always sitting under the palm trees, dressed up with a sombrero de ranchero mexicano",  appearing in old textbooks about Puerto Rico, used in USA schools up to the early sixities.
“Ojo al pillo” or los “partidos del te' ” do not mean the same as “watch your back or Teapartiers”; and the “ganas” or "pillos" or the teapartiers are characters, actions and schemata  beyond “Marleyian” redemption songs or therapeutic solutions.   

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