Monday, February 11, 2019


Not really, but, according to my DNA’s interpretation by the brilliant American thinkers who created the racial laws and their supportive faux theoretical constructs, I am a Mongolian.

To document ethnicity with a DNA test gives validity to the idea that race is determined by blood, giving credibility to white supremacists and others who believe in the illusory concept of “race”, promoting racial hierarchies. Our limited knowledge of genetics and its related research on “essentialisms” can lead some to confuse culture with biology.

Recent research suggested that 16 million men across the world could be related to Genghis Khan, the Mongol leader who died in 1227. The study traced a cluster of extremely similar Y chromosome DNA back to a single ancestor who lived in Mongolia around 900 years ago. The Mongolian warlord is thought to have been the only man with the opportunity to father enough children for the genes to have spread.

Like Sicily and other parts of Southern Italy, Iberia has a significant level of ancestry, originating both in North Africa and in Sub Saharan Africa,  and the population of the Canary Islands shows a bigger African admixture than the average Southern European due to its location as an African archipelago. So, because of my Iberian heritage, I am more African than Mongolian. 

Researchers at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez have argued that there is 60% probability that a Puerto Rican can have Arawak ancestors, which leads them to say that -given the limited research on genetics and indigenous groups of the Americas- a Puerto Rican could also have Yucatec, Kipec, Kekchi, Mopan (a longer list of possibilities) ancestors, particularly, since the Arawaks were always colonizing other territories, and had moved already by the 1300’s,  as far South as Paraguay and all the way up North to the Bahamas, and Yucatán.

Ok. I am an Arawak. 

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