Friday, June 19, 2020


“How is she, the greatest defender and fighter for Puerto Rico to become the 51st State of the USA, governor of the islands, Wanda Vázquez, going to negotiate with the “papacitos” in Washington if she cannot speak English?”, said her “contrincante” in the race towards elections: to be chosen by the pro-satehood non-English speaking masses in the Caribbean colony. Those Puerto Ricans who speak English, for the most part, sound like me, and according to the “colonized contrincante”, the “cocorocos” in Washington will be offended by someone who wants to be like them, but do not sound “near-native.” I don’t know, since even certain native speakers in the USA  -blacks , Hawaiians and other indigenous populations- are not doing very well, what is the point, and it is not about language. (By the way, I would not vote for either of them, and much less for Wanda’s “contrincante, pues tiene una voz y cara de ‘jabao pendejo alzacolas de los gringos’ que no se la quita nadie"; and in DC, "Inglis o no inglis, los buitres se lo comen vivo.") Iluso como pueda ser catalogado, pero, el manejo del inglés como el color de la piel o lo ensortijado del pelo  o el género no debe ser nunca una razón para que ningún puertorriqueño pueda o no participar en las decisiones que lo afecten, sea en Puerto Rico o en DC; y si necesita un traductor, pues hay muchos por ahí. 

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