Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nueva York, 1996: Sokal, Cantinfladas, Calvin Klein y el, "pos", Post-Modernismo

Calvin Klein era el Sartre del downtown niuyorkino, y SoHo la capital de la vanguardia vertida en las modas industrializadas: ropas y los nuevos códigos lingüísticos se juntan.

El Sida transforma: todos se vistieron de negro,  textos y seres.   

Los críticos y académicos no escriben, verborrean.  

Cantinfladas, de cantinflear:
hablar disparatada e incongruentemente, sin decir nada con el propósito de confundir

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

 “The article, ‘Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity’, was published in the Social Text Spring/Summer 1996 "Science Wars" issue. It proposed that quantum gravity is a social and linguistic construct. At that time, the journal did not practice academic peer review and did not submit the article for outside expert review by a physicist.[3][4] On its date of publication (May 1996), Sokal revealed in Lingua Franca that the article was a hoax, identifying it as "a pastiche of left-wing cant, fawning references, grandiose quotations, and outright nonsense...structured around the silliest quotations [by postmodernist academics] he could find about mathematics and physics".[2]

"The resultant academic and public quarrels concerned the scholarly merit of humanistic commentary about the physical sciences; the influence of postmodern philosophy on social disciplines in general; academic ethics, including whether Sokal was wrong to deceive the editors and readers of Social Text; and whether the journal had exercised appropriate intellectual rigor before publishing the pseudoscientific article."

Los esquemas  mentales que subyacen los “discourses” de los nuevos críticos literarios y académicos en las ciencias sociales, psicología y pedagogía son juegos de escondite, dentro del enredo lingüístico: confundir con el propósito de hacer creer al lector que la profundidad requiere obscurantismo. Ese tipo de discurso sabe, reconoce que anda montando una trampa.

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