Thursday, September 27, 2018


"Baja, que te estoy velando" or an “exabrupto” with a genesis that borders on a desire to vomit or a low level raw feeling of disgust triggered Trump to pick on Carmen Yulín. He did not pick on other more powerful politicians who continue to make fun or criticize him. He targeted  the major of San Juan, a small capital city of one of the USA colonies, with a non-issue for most of his constituents: statehood. “Not now, thank you”, is what the hinterlanders in the USA would readily answer, if asked about bringing Puerto Rico into the Union, given the current national climate, the premonition that their “exceptionalism”, “manifest destiny”, and “whiteness” are crumbling.   

"I am only the major of a small city. My people are dying." is all she said when requesting help for the hurricane stricken capital of the hard hit islands of the Puerto Rican archipelago. The president's responses are well documented and speak to his twisted sense of what humanity, compassion, respect, christianity, morality and ethics are all about.

"As long as you have that woman in San Juan as a major you will never become a state of my country" were not the exact USA president's words, but he certainly reduced the congressional, constitutional, political, economic, cultural discussion on Puerto Rico becoming a state of the USA Federation, and its related colonial situation, to a kind of arrested/fixed junior high school social and emotional stage, the pubescent groupie inclusion/exclusion decision syndrome. A "chiji, chijá" is how my generation in the island used to dismiss that kind of response by adults to serious matters. “Mucho chijí chijá, y poco cráneo”. 

Carmen Yulín does not fall into the type of woman that is admired, adored by Trump: tall, poised, with a pasarella voguing walk, who will never be seen directing a community based organization or wearing reading glasses. To make matters worse, the San Juan major seems to be like the girls the president most probably hated and were afraid of growing up in Queens: bright, class leaders, friends with the boys he wanted to hang out with, sassy, bitchy and willing to fight anyone off in the yard when the likes of him went around harassing them. 

Such sense of impotence, frustration felt by the “machito” junior high school kid who beat on other kids -still ruling the emotional brain of the president-, but who stayed away from tough girls like la Señora Yulín Cruz, can serve to explain making her part of his tweeting. The bright, quick with her brains San Juan major also annoys him a lot because, if needed, she will behave like a Puerto Rican "lengüilarga”; never a pasarela woman or a caricature like the ones he likes to have around.

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