Saturday, September 22, 2018


The young man was so impressed with the statement that he said it as if it was an absolute. He was also impressed because the person making the remark was a Puerto Rican in a position of economic power; never mind that there is a USA president who makes similar statements and he does not impress many people, especially those with some degree of "haute kultur". When told about the remark, a university professor responded with, "As opposed to what? Very American like Roseanne Barr or the president himself". Why would a Puerto Rican say that someone is very Puerto Rican? His own inferiority complex, his own distortions of what it means to be Puerto Rican, his ignorance on history and issues like colonization and self hate (see Fanon, Maldonado Denis, Freire, Baldwin, Tubman, Marqués, Burgos, Torres and doña Luisa, my neighbor in Puerto Rico who makes the best green banana pork filled pies in the Western Hemisphere. She is also Puerto Rican, not very, but completely Puerto Rican, like a complete gay man or German or American like Roseanne Barr. And, by the way, do not confuse the history of a given social group or ethnic group or linguistic group with fascist nationalism.

Para resumir, mira nene, sabrás mucho de ventas, mercadeo, cómo hacer dinero a lo Trump o Roseanne, pero sobre identidad y cultura, incluyendo el "self-hate syndrome", no sabes un carajo, típico colonizado.

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