Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Los ejercicios de “primal therapy” que aprendí durante mis muchos años como miembro de una comunidad que practicaba ese tipo de terapia gestalt, en grupos y con una terapeuta individual, Florine Snyder, las técnicas de teatro popular fundamentadas en los planteamientos estético-funcionales, expuestos en su trabajo por escritores y directores como Perl, Leal, Teschner, Villegas, Santaliz, Acevedo, Artaud, aprendidas en los talleres y ejercicios cuando fui miembro de dos grupos de teatro popular, durante los años sesenta y setenta -Teatro Pobre de América y Teatro de Orilla- me sirvieron hoy para enfrentar un estado interior incómodo, una sensación de desasosiego. 

These theatrical and therapeutic exercises -while having these uncomfortable feelings- served to reveal my need for company and to be loved, then the loneliness I felt as a child came back, when I was surrounded by all those adults,  some of them alcoholics, their anger, violence, and in less than fifteen minutes, the loneliness and need for company and love were followed by the memory of a recurring nightmare I used to have as a kid (I was on a huge white surface rolling and rolling until awaking very scared); and then, suddenly, a great deal of unprovoked anger took over my whole body; finally, a deep need for a tender woman to love me completed the gestalt/teatro pobre therapeutic process; and once the need for a nice tender woman to love me was diluted, Caetano Veloso sang "Cry me a river". All of these experiences happened in less that two hours. 

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