Wednesday, July 25, 2018


They have been and were/are a constant before they were even first recorded by Parahguei in ancient Mesopotamia. The kind of bookish, chubby, home-bound younger homo who prefers senior men; and often follows the path of a smaller cell of concentric and loyal fans of musicals. On Sundays, they might visit one of those piano bars where gay men do chorus; and a solo: the voice of a similar -usually older, who works in off Broadway theaters- on the piano singing, experiencing and honoring the likes of Judy Garland. These two sub-groups of panza chasers are not mutually exclusive nor completely self contained either. Dynamic and wide and open they are. When yearly marching. under the banners of other equally dynamic groups -Pro and Against; Inner or Outer Queer Definitions- they also represent the “Senior Chasers”.  

“They are there, they are queer, get used to them”, can, from afar, be used to paraphrase the old slogan told in the third person, as I am not one of them nor claim any objectively documented formal personal experience on the issue. Informally, yes.   

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