Sunday, August 11, 2019


There is a grandiloquent Puerto Rican man who writes a weekly column for a San Juan newspaper, praising the glories of Trump -I get the feeling he might be gay too; perhaps, it is my tendency to link pomposity in males to homosexuality; a photo of the Guaynabo city major smiling next to Trump as the president throws drying paper at the people in Puerto Rico; a note in the media reporting on Puerto Rico’s representative in Congress sending a post card  to the president wishing him the best is his work as the leader of the world; a list published in the Web, naming a series of Puerto Ricans who give monies to Trump’s campaign; an Ecuadorean living in the less expensive suburbs of SoHo, Williamsburg, an undocumented worker who does not support the president but expresses similar ideas regarding “lower class” peoples, and selected Latinos he believes are not up to his social standards, particularly Newyoricans and Dominicans; a Cuban professor who, like the Ecuadorean previously mentioned, speaks against Trump, while in coded academic language makes very prejudiced remarks about Puerto Ricans in New York; a Colombian educator who, like the previously mentioned Ecuadorean and Cuban is also offended by the president’s statements on Latinos, yet uses every opportunity to say how appalled she is by the uneducated speech patterns found among certain US born Latinos when speaking Spanish; a recently deported gay Argentinian living in precarious conditions and looking for a job in Buenos Aires, who blames his situation on the Mexicans. 

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