Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Have you experienced it at home, day after day, never knowing when it is going to appear? How? Was the colleague claiming you were afraid of her or him, pretending to be a friend while talking negatively about you behind your back, simply, a political being? Was the man or woman at the table or office or counter making fun of your accent or name or race or ethnicity or sexuality or non macho manners a clown enjoying herself or himself at your expense? Were your keeping the person waiting with no excuse or verbal slashing him or her or dismissing his/her ideas with the sweeping of the hand cruelty acts? Is the child screaming again and again, showing anger at the mother who is too old to breast feed him, an act of cruelty? Or is the mother the cruel one, when all she gives him is sugared water to drink from an old home-made baby feeding bottle or is she, by becoming the demanding one, years later, trying to absorb him, control him, a cruel person? When does cruelty begin? What type, and how much of it can one take? Does it depend on life's energy and where it comes comes from? Astronomers claim that the Earth's energy depends on the Sun, but Saturn produces its own; generating it from inside the planet. 

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