Monday, August 12, 2019


I had no choice. Biology and the non material animus made me rather intersexual, able to feel both my inner delicate and strong selves; and to sense the internal organs that were different from -as well as parallel- to the external ones. I was neither a macho nor a damsel. At some point, given the external ones, I tried to act according to the expectations that had been culturally designed for the males. It was not possible. Not only I transgressed the “how to be” with my body, but culturally as well. No petite bourgeoisie values and mores with me.  My internal organs and animus took over and I had to transgress, letting my body and sense of selves flow, following their own rhythms. Of all the men I dated, only one was able to relate and respond to that duality sexually, achieving nirvana in bed; and that is why we lasted together for so long. Our circle of friends were -some still are- there too. Our “how to be” was  clearly understood and experienced fully, enabling us to transgress, and we started with/from our bodies. 

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