Sunday, August 25, 2019


“Don’t drink wine tonite”
the doctor said en inglés.
How can a 70 something old man not drink at all?
Not only wine but beer and jalapeños
the last eñe in jalapeños he could not pronounce.
Eñes are like hemorrhoids
a class on their own.
“Clean your ass with hazel witch.
Shit can infect the open wounds."
An old man’s ass, skin, feet covered with bacteria, fungus
the doctor speaks in competent words
including germs acquired at the City College of New York
where ladies wear cheap Chanel wannabe suits
walking around dismissing their own very petite 
male professors dressed-up for the revolution. 
What can you say about them?
Their own petite bourgeoisie worlds
in languages they do not own. 
“Oui oui” intead of“sí sí.” 
“Oui oui” has a higher status in New York. 
Why would an old man worry about his infected status?
No one who dies is in good health 
dried are his hemorrhoids 
no longer in full bloom.

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