Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Las Limoges was the name given to a band of upper crust Puerto Rican gays in San Juan that were documented in a story previously posted on this blog. Given the racial/ethno/class ideological and physical war taking place in the USA, it can be argued that Puerto Ricans of a certain class and racial identification (the so called island “blanquitos”) would lean towards the exclusionary, anti immigrant, white supremacist bastion, so well represented in the USA political culture by the Log Cabin (Gay) Republicans; and, also, it can be proposed that Las Limoges are the island's version of the ultra-right USA gay group -trust me, I’ve been there and know them. Their ahistorical conception of "reality" prevents them from knowing how homos have been used by both ends of the political spectrum, and then persecuted, discarded, murdered. Pedro Lemebel, Yoryie Irizarry, Susy Shock, Lohana Berkins, Martin Duberman, Luchino Visconti (among many) have explored this dangerous terrain. 

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