Thursday, December 21, 2017


For quite a while, reactionary/conservative forces have dumped  together all the different discussions or actions proposed by diverse ethnic, racial, gender related groups under the label "identity politics", in order to dismiss or diminish the value of some of these groups concerns. Not all of these discussions are led by essensialists who believe in pre-determined fixed exceptionalisms or pose their identities as absolute differentiated categories. To quickly dismiss these groups that are arguing certain issues is to deny the possibility of engaging rationally on the discussion of power relationships, forms of exclusions,  intersectional influences or, even among members of minority groups, self-hate caused by belonging to this category or that other one, by looking physically this way or that way. What is bothersome is that people who, otherwise, are quite rational and tend to postulate social, economic justice have fallen into the trap and are also dismissing so called "identity politics". Que tengan cuidado y no terminen "escupiendo pa' arriba".  

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