Friday, June 21, 2019


As we spoke, I got the impression that she was always talking to me from -to use a psycholinguistic concept- a “meta cognition” framework. There was some type of hidden agenda in regards to what she was saying. At times, I was able to figure out what she was truly trying to achieve, but, often, it took me several hours or days to realize what was her guiding intentions, her hidden layers. To make matters more complicated, she was not necessarily aware of the ulterior motives as to why she was saying whatever she spoke about. Buying the cotton felt cloth filter for my “café colado” was not the issue. Her arguments on bacterias and dust and whatever other reasons she used against me buying the “colador” sounded very logical and scientific, but were not the real issues. Anything that sounded like her mother’s needs to stick to old Puerto Rican ways -instead of using the more USA middle class, picket-fence commodities- made her very angry. Once I served the coffee, she asked me, if I could make an expresso for her in the old aluminum pot.

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