Friday, June 28, 2019


Some of my friends and acquaintances have asked me to stop contacting them thru my constant emails. Though I did not ask, they would find it ok to do so, if there is an emergency. The ones who are not as polite have simply blocked me. Emails bothers them and are only used -I assume, that is how they reason- for particular reasons. I am quite glad such a reaction did not occur when hand-written epistles were the medium to be used, and quite a few of those time tested letters  are still around, to give us a sense of history, both personal and collective. As an old one-seeing-eye man, afflicted by cataracts in the “good” one, agoraphobic, with problems in his left knee and plain lazy, emails are the salvation to maintain contact and share my sense of the world. One of my very well known old contacts became so angry -after she messaged me, asking if had nothing better to do than email her constantly, and I answered her that she could either delete, block or tell me not to send her my emails- she called me a pompous old fool. I played with the words and was quite happy that fool was not the noun in the phrase. Since it was clear that she did not want my constant emails, and I was not as wise to know how often she wanted my electronic epistles, I stopped writing to her. Old fools can make wise electronic decisions; while learning that, for some, trying to keep in touch would make the epistolarian an old fool.

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