Sunday, June 23, 2019


Quite a few progressive bilingual/multicultural educators are calling Spanish a heritage language. When teaching selected language courses or about the education of different USA communities, these progressive educators refer to the non English languages as heritage languages. De verdad! Spanish is for Puerto Ricans -a colonial group- their language -in whatever shape or form it is expressed-; not inherited, kept and defended against all colonization impositions of the English language. Puerto Ricans are not immigrants who have chosen to maintain and study their “ancestral homes” languages. It is a completely different history and must be treated as such. Why are these nice progressive educators engaging in blending peoples and politics might be due to many reasons, including not having to deal with colonial issues and how they are part of the colonization process, and, not less important content and job preservation; and we all know who is in control of those academic institutions teaching courses on heritage or/and foreign languages. 

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