Sunday, June 16, 2019


The story described the many moments when the son cried out of terror and the mother, instead of protecting the child, laughed and called him a coward, with an uncontrollable force in her voice -it was quite obvious, his fear made her very angry; leading her to delete the story before reading it. 


Unless the stories about internet publishers and readers had characters that could serve as a projection of her desires, to be idolizedher need to be in control led her to lose the capacity to reason, ending up insulting with offensive language the .pdf authors; not reading their work, but, yet, not even able to get to the point of pinching delete.  

The character in the short story was against racism while rigidly opposing multiculturalism, fighting with such anger against any cultural self identifying construct, that he claimed having no identity, consequently, becoming an abstraction, leaving the author with no character to write about. 

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