Saturday, June 22, 2019


I met this Latina bisexual woman who liked to dismiss "loquitas", made fun of them. Since she claims to be a politically progressive person and a Paulo Freire expert, one can wonder as to why she does not include effeminate gay men among the Freirian oppressed groups. She might be trying to survive and be perceived differently by the "straight" women she loves to hang out with. It is widely accepted that social groups develop “survival” skills, thus, the questions are what are those skills, and in what particular contexts and specific conditions they are required, developed and used. Some of these skills are constructive to the self and the group; others might not help surviving at all. Eating healthy foods helps; wars necessarily do not. But on the other hand, some of these skills can be only detrimental to a given generation or an individual at a specific time and place, but can be seen as protecting the person or the group in the future. 

Groups on the margin of the circles of power develop certain strategies that they use when dealing with those who are seen as qualitatively, racial, ethnically or sexually different, who control decision making, rules, and mores. As previously indicated, some of these strategies might be detrimental to the group. As a child in Puerto Rico I used to hear the expression, “hay que mejorar la raza” (the race must be improved), and this self-hating statement implied in some form the survival of your descendants since the "race" the speaker was referring to was a "race" being abused and discriminated. At it meant marrying outside of your "race", "blanquear" the family. 

Up to Stonewall days some gays used survival skills that included masquerading attitudes and images, oral, visual and literary, as well as engaging in self-denial discourses. Straight-acting is what gay men do when they behave in “macho type” behaviors. In the Spanish-speaking gay sub-culture straight-acting gay man can change from the macho type depending on the group surrounding him. In the company of other gay men he most probably will “soltará su trenza” or “se le saldrán las plumas”, will let his true self be free. But straight acting can also be a form used to deny the connection to the larger gay world; one that is perceived as weak and effeminate. 

A similar behavior is found among members of certain ethnic, racial groups or economic classes when they claim that they are not like selected others. This distancing leads them into formulating stereotypes or repeating what the ones in power say about the particular groups being persecuted or discriminated. As an advisor at an urban institution I came across an Afro-Cuban woman who swore that Puerto Ricans were lazy and unable to manage the USA system. Here she was in a program developed by Puerto Ricans, facing a Puerto Rican professional who was guiding her through the institution and she repeated what she most probably heard others say about this particular ethnic group. This survival strategy is based on the need to be accepted by the group in power, thus supporting and perpetuating the reasons for discrimination and, therefore, avoiding being identified with the discriminated ones. 

Stone Wall brought about a change in what can be discussed publicly, even if it is only for the purpose of understanding the so called homosexual condition. It also brought the need to organize politically, educationally and medically. Four decades later the public discussion of the homosexual condition is still a threat to many, not only the religious fundamentalists, Taliban or Catholic League, but also it is a menace to many middle of the road liberals. Yet, to be silent about it is not what most gay men and lesbians are willing to accept. Self-censorship is no longer a given as a survival skill; on the contrary, it is openly viewed as a repressive tool.

(from the book in .pdf, My Bilingual New York, June 2019)

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