Saturday, April 27, 2019


“Really! Which gay men? The few who are very rich and socialize with the very powerful or the majority of them who work in the same places the large masses of heteros work and eat and shit and experience stupid people like you, a white woman who would not be made fun off or deny entry to a restaurant or not be able to get a taxi, or the many black and brown skin gay men who do not have the micro privileges you have.. which ones, you self-centered idiot”, would have been my preferred answer but, instead, I smiled at the feminist who thought her thoughts without thinking much. She was not the first woman I heard making a similar statement. My “arribiste” academic Latina neighbor said something similar a few years earlier. At the time, I said, that the male transexuals prostituting themselves on the edges of highways or parks in many cities around the world were very powerful when having in front of them many married men on their knees, sucking their cocks. The Latina academic “arribiste” was disgusted, facial gestures saying, “Don’t be so vulgar”, but she did not say anything. it was a feeling yet to be made into a complete thought.

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