Wednesday, May 8, 2019


The family with means and ways to see the culture offered as the official one talks about it as if they own it, control it. They criticize the world from the inside out. “Nouvelle cuisine is a decoration enterprise”, said the father, a lawyer. A good laugh from the mother and children in response to the comment made by the full of himself patriarch, followed by what seems to be  a well informed remark on a restaurant or the latest art scene in Berlin, Paris, New York, Buenos Aires, San Juan. On the other side of the many paths that separated them from the factory workers or sugar cane cutters or the maids and cleaning ladies, a young man in a large family wanted to know how it felt to eat in a place with plates and silverware being announced on tv as the latest to be had or to attend a cocktail party at the gallery reviewed in the daily paper or streamed in the cel phone. He also wanted to know the official history from the inside out.

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