Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Those individuals from both ends of the political spectrum criticizing identity politics as the reason for the current racist climate fail to realize that it was the white heterosexual man who was in power in the Western world for a long, long time. Throughout a few centuries white men in power were not very open to other racial, sexual, non European ethnic groups; and no one said that his politics were identity related, yet they were and still are. But now, when the groups that are not white heterosexual men  present their concerns, it is called identity politics. And this is a political move to put on the defensive those groups that are not white heterosexual men. The situation has gotten so bad that I know some white people who are critical of identity politics, not talking to those who defend the rights of homosexuals, blacks, brown peoples; simply because they argue in favor of their right to be who they are. These groups are not against the white man to be who he is as a white heterosexual man, but they argue in favor for homosexuals or blacks or Puerto Ricans or Jews to be who they are as they wish to be. All along, those who argue against identity politics seem to be afraid of something that has to do with their own identities, perhaps, the fear of losing power. Are they? Last night I saw Evo Morales speaking in Aymara, and it was such a pleasure to hear a language I did not understand being made comprehensible in the faces of the kids laughing real loud. 

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